habiba walid

Habiba Walid Amin

Teaching Assistant

Faculty Building


Office Number



Habiba Walid Salim is a passionate Electrical and Communication Engineering graduate from The British University in Egypt and London South Bank University. She graduated with an overall grade of Distinction with honours and ranked first in her class. Habiba has demonstrated exceptional skills through her graduation projects, including an IoT-Based Accident Detection and Rescue System and a Face Recognition Student Attendance System using Python. Currently, Habiba is enhancing her expertise as a Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, at Nile University. 
Habiba's leadership and technical skills were further honed through her role as Team Lead for the NASA Space Apps Cairo 2023 Competition Team, where she demonstrated proficiency in team coordination and effective communication. Building on this experience, Habiba took on the position of Vice Chairperson in NASA Space Apps Cairo 2024.